Packing bags on Wednesdays 12-1pm

Register on the Boy Scouts Sagamore Council's website:

Groups of 7-10 are encouraged to join us for a 45 minute packing session of non-perishable foods.

Weekly: Pick-up & drop-off on Thursdays 9-10am

Register on the Boy Scouts Sagamore Council's website:

Each week 3-4 volunteers wheel and load packed bins into a trailer and deliver 300 bags across 6 elementary schools in Howard County. Pettit Park, Sycamore, Elwood Hayes, Taylor, Northwestern, and Howard

This involves 20 min of moving bins on rollers and co-lifting bins into a trailer. Volunteers sometimes travel to each school and help unload.

Monthly: Food Shipment Delivery - Dates Below 11-12pm

Register through our Google Form

*Businesses can volunteer as a team!*

Every month, we receive a food delivery of light and heavy items. Volunteers move food from outdoor pallets to an inside room nearby. It’s 4 Tons of food, so many hands make light work.

- Feb 15th 2024       11am-noon

- March 14th 2024   11am-noom

- April 11th 2024      11am-noon


Buddy Bags

Our Buddy Bag Program is a vital asset to our community! Each week, a handful of volunteers dedicate their time to pack nearly 400 Buddy Bags that go out to local schools in our community. One ton of food is distributed weekly in our community through this program. We are looking to grow and expand the program to ensure that no student goes home hungry on the weekends.

Volunteer Opportunities